SverdNIIChimmash JSC Will Supply Treatment Facility for Liquid Radioactive Waste to Kursk NPP-2

Monday, 06 February 2017

SverdNIIChimmash JSC (a member of Atomenergomash, which is Rosatom’s machine-building division) will produce and supply a facility designed for treatment of liquid radioactive waste for power units Nos. 1&2 (being under construction now) of Kursk NPP-2. The works are being performed within the contract for complete supply of the equipment for the units under construction, which was concluded earlier by Atomenergomash JSC.

The facility will provide the waste treatment process which includes accepting and processing of drain waters, their time-exposure to fission of short-lived radio nuclides, concentrating of evaporator sludge and cementing thereof. During the treatment process, distillate will be produced from liquid waste which will be used for NPP’s auxiliaries, while the concentrate will be cemented. In the functional term, the auxiliary is designed for prevention of spreading of liquid radioactive waste outside nuclear power plants, observance of environmental requirements and ensuring of safe labour conditions.

SverdNIIChimmash possesses a vast experience of designing and supplying of equipment for systems of specialized water treatment foe Beloyarskaya, Leningradskaya, Novovoronezhskaya, Tianwan (China) NPPs, Busher (Iran) NPP and other domestic and foreign nuclear power plants.

“This work will allow SverdNIIChimmash to reach a new level of production activity, as for the first time the equipment for liquid waste treatment will be delivered as one complete supply including multiple installations and control systems with appropriate components. In earlier times the equipment was delivered to a customer as individual systems but now there is a turn-key delivery. Ivan Ilyinykh, Business Line Chief Engineer of “KP RAO”, says: “We were able to achieve it due to the accumulated experience in supplying of similar equipment, plus to improvement of production processes in SverdNIIChimmash”.

Kursk NPP-2 is being erected as a substitution plant instead of decommissioned power units of Kursk NPP which is in operation now. The commissioning of the first two power units of Kursk NPP-2 is planned to be synchronized with decommissioning of power units 1&2 of the operating power plant. “Rosenergoatom Concern” JSC is the developer and technical coordinator of this facility; Prime Designer and Prime Contractor are NIAEP JSC - ASE CJSC - AEP.

At present the site is at the stage of a preparatory period for construction. Works for arrangement of the construction yard area, common excavation and foundations of buildings and structures are being held. The commissioning of four power units of the substitution plant will allow providing electric power to Kursk Region and other areas of the country up to the end of this century.